DuEPublico 2
DuEPublico is the open access institutional repository of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Currently, the old and new version of our repository are running in parallel. Learning material and video lectures still can be accessed via the old server.
Open Access E-Publications

DuEPublico publishes primary and secondary publications of Duisburg-Essen university in Open Access. They are made available for search engines and archive institutions world-wide and reliably can be cited using a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).
Electronic Dissertations

Doctoral candidates of Duisburg Essen University have the option to publish their dissertation online as digital full text via DuEPublico: For free, quickly and visible world-wide! The dissertation directory lists all printed and electronic dissertations.
Open Access Research Data

Research data include all digital data that are created in the research process or represent its result. In addition to subject-specific repositories, DuEPublico as an institutional repository also offers UDE members the opportunity to publish research data.
Open Access Teaching and Learning Materials

Freely accessible teaching and learning materials can also be made available on DuEPublico. On the one hand, materials for one's own teaching can be published here without access restrictions; on the other hand, teaching materials can be published as so-called Open Educational Resources (OER) with a Creative Commons licence, thus enabling subsequent use by other teachers.
Mercator Atlases

Gerhard Mercator was one of the most important scholars of the 16th century. He was a geographer, cartographer and professor of cosmography at the historic University of Duisburg and was the first to introduce the term "atlas" for a geographical map work.
Here you find four precious Mercator atlases from the 16th and 17th century as digitized object.