Vom kolonialen zum dekolonialen Kosmopolitismus? : Ablehnung, Kritik und Wiederaneignung eines Schlüsselbegriffs der politischen Philosophie

Dieser Artikel zeichnet das Konzept des Kosmopolitismus von seinem Aufkommen in den 1990er Jahren bis zu seiner kritischen Rezeption und dekolonialen Dekonstruktion nach und betrachtet, wie beide kanonische Denker der frühen Neuzeit deuten. Die Autorin und der Autor verstehen den modernen Kosmopolitismus als ein kritisches Unterfangen, das sich gegen ein etatistisches Modell globaler Beziehungen und die neoliberale Globalisierung positioniert.
We trace the concept of cosmopolitanism from its rise in the 1990s to its critical reception and decolonial deconstruction and how both have reflected upon canonical thinkers from the early modern period. We take modern cosmopolitanism to be a critical undertaking, positioning itself against a statist model of global relations and neoliberal globalisation. This critical project has, however, become the subject of criticisms itself, especially from those parts of the world whose claims it was supposed to assert. According to postcolonial and decolonial critique, modern cosmopolitanism continues a problematic line of thought, based on a Eurocentric universalism, which has promulgated equal claims for all, only to deny some the prerequisites to assert them. The success of postcolonial and decolonial critique has, however, not led to other forms of cooperation and respect. Hence, multiple theorists have started to move beyond the criticism and have developed forms of decolonial cosmopolitanism centred on epistemic questions, restitution, localism and pluriversality, and the idea of a shared world. Having presented these versions of decolonial cosmopolitanism, we pose some questions where and how decolonial cosmopolitanism could travel moving forward.
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