Dringlicher denn je: Was ist Antisemitismus?
Rezensionsessay zu: Peter Ullrich, Sina Arnold, Anna Daniliina, Klaus Holz, Uffa Jensen, Ingolf Seidel, Jan Weyand (Hg.): Was ist Antisemitismus? Begriffe und Definitionen von Judenfeindschaft, Wallstein: Göttingen 2024, 315 Seiten
The article reviews the volume “Was ist Antisemitismus? Begriffe und Definitionen von Judenfeindschaft” edited by Peter Ullrich, Sina Arnold, Anna Danilina, Klaus Holz, Uffa Jensen, Ingolf Seidel and Jan Weyand (Göttingen 2024). The book is lauded for its innovativeness and comprehensiveness: This is the first German volume on the epistemology and politics of defining antisemitism. It covers basic concepts, topics and approaches in the conceptualisation of anti-Jewish enmity followed by an in-depth theorisation by one of the editors. Although the volume by and large has a clear inclination towards the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism, it also highlights the blind spots of this definition. Its sole weakness is an entry on “postcolonial antisemitism”, where typically German prejudices about postcolonialism are reproduced.

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