Zeitschrift für historische Analyse des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts - ISSN: 1869-4748
Dear reader,
as of January of 2015, the journal Social History Online (Sozial.Geschichte Online) is published by the Association for the Social History of the 20th and 21st Centuries (Verein für Sozialgeschichte des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts e. V.). The founding of the association was preceded by a significant enlargement and reconstitution of the editorial board, which currently consists of twelve members with a variety of scholarly and activist backgrounds. We hope this variety will be reflected in future issues of the journal. The editorial board remains committed to its past content-related principles. Our goal remains that of making a contribution, within the field of social historiography, to the analysis of issues faced by world society today. Rather than being a scholarly end unto itself, this endeavour is undertaken primarily with an eye to readers who are politically active or wish to become so, and who understand that it is only from a historical perspective that our complex present can be understood, this being an elementary precondition of emancipatory action. The issues of the journal continue to be published under the aegis of the University of Duisburg-Essen's online platform DuEPublico. Articles will continue to be available as PDF files that can be downloaded free of charge. The journal is funded by the Foundation for Social History in Bremen and private donations.
Berlin, April 2015