Bevölkerungspolitik im Nationalsozialismus: der Verein „Lebensborn“
This text analyses the role of “Lebensborn e. V.”, a Third Reich institution founded by Heinrich Himmler in 1935 to serve National Socialist population policy. Its aim was to promote “racially valuable” offspring. The essay analyses the effects of “Lebensborn e. V.” on the individuals associated with it in three main categories: Vergemeinschaftung, Kinderraub and “Ausmerze”. By analysing sources from the Arolsen Archives and the archives of the district of Upper Bavaria, the practice of Lebensborn and the reactions of the people involved are illuminated. From a micro-historical perspective, the text reflects on the leeway of the staff and the population. Overall, it shows how Lebensborn tried to shape the National Socialist “Volksgemeinschaft” and how it influenced the lives of those concerned.
Sozial.Geschichte Online
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