„Aggressiver Humanismus“ : Politischer Widerstand im 21. Jahrhundert
In this article I examine public engagement with matters of concern by affects drawing on anethnographic case study on the Center for Political Beauty’s antagonistic artwork and practices ofpolitical resistance against human rights violations. Focusing particularly on the affective attachmentsbetween human and non-human elements, as recent work in Science and Technology Studies andActor-Network Theory has emphasized, I identify and discuss specific productivities and problematicsof these complex entanglements. My analysis indicates that these co-constitutive interactions betweenheterogeneous elements, such as bodies, specific artifacts, technology, symbols or architectures, play adecisive although highly ambivalent role in the actual enactment of issues and publics. In times ofincreasing antagonistic endeavors of various actors across a broad political spectrum this focus onaffective attachments might provide a useful just as critical insight into concrete “doings” of politicalresistance and its future capacities in current social controversies.
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