Globale Kooperation : Sind Menschen auf diese zivilisatorische Herausforderung vorbereitet?
Die Krise der globalen Kooperation, etwa im Bereich Klimawandel, erscheint im Licht aktueller Erkenntnisse aus Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften in gewisser Weise als Rätsel: Menschen sind auf interpersoneller Ebene durchaus sehr kooperationsfähig; internationale Zusammenarbeit scheitert aber genau dort, wo wir sie am meisten brauchen. Die Autoren zeigen, wie die Forschung zu Problemlösungen beitragen kann.
International cooperation to tackle
complex common resource problems
such as climate change is extremely
difficult. Although there is a broad
agreement on the nature of the
problem, many nations continue
to block any meaningful action for
solution. Global cooperation seems
to fail when we need it most. This
global cooperation crisis is baffling
in light of recent evidence about the
surprisingly cooperative disposition
of human beings: people cooperate
all the time, and they enjoy doing so.
The evolutionary biologist, Martin
Nowak, argues that cooperation
might be the third principle and
driver of evolution (in addition to
selection and mutation). Against this
background we argue that power
games are not enough to explain current
international cooperation blockades.
We discuss avenues towards a
theory of international cooperation
and international relations which
take into account recent insights into
the drivers and basic mechanisms of
human cooperative behaviour.