Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik : Fremdsprachen und Herkunftssprachen an Schulen in NRW – Theorie, Empirie und Praxis
Nach einem historischen Überblick zur Mehrsprachigkeit gibt der Artikel Einblicke in aktuelle Forschung zu dieser Thematik, insbesondere erläutert er auch Ergebnisse verschiedener Studien an der Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE).
The didactics of multilingualism is a
key subject of discussion in today‘s
foreign language teaching. In terms
of politics, multilingualism is a
primary goal of foreign language
teaching in Europe at least since the
White Paper on Education of the
European Commission‘s European
Commission from 1995. The European
Union has repeatedly emphasized
the commitment to multilingualism
in terms of educational policy
in numerous documents such as the
”new framework strategy for multilingualism“
published in 2005.
The article outlines the development
of didactics of multilingualism in general. Both historical dimensions
and current developments in theory
and practice of multilingual didactics
are shown. For that purpose, the
following discourse and action areas
of a so-called ”aufgeklärte Mehrsprachigkeit“
are presented: productive
skills and competencies, English,
Latin, Greek and other foreign languages
taught in school, German as a
first language / German as a foreign
and a second language, language of
origin and family language, receptive
variety competence, multilingual
subject teaching and transcultural
communicative competence. Moreover
theories and models of multilanguage
acquisition are introduced.
Last but not least, empirical findings
to promote multilingualism at
schools in North Rhine-Westphalia
brought to the fore. The ongoing
research at the UDE focuses on the
attitudes of trainee teachers and teachers
of foreign languages in terms
of multilingualism. Selected results
from four individual studies are presented.
These studies provide insight
into current research projects being
carried out directly by the ‘Institut
für Romanische Sprachen und Literaturen’
(Professur für Fachdidaktik
der romanischen Schulsprachen) or
by the ‘Professur für Fachdidaktik
der romanischen Schulfremdsprachen’
in partnership with the
‘Institut für Deutsch als Zweit- und