FUTURE WATER : Mit Praxispartnern und Gesellschaft wissenschaftlichen Wasser-Nachwuchs ausbilden

Transdisziplinäre oder gar transformative Ausbildung und Forschung sind die Schlagworte vieler neuer Förderprogramme. Der intensive Einbezug von Praxis und Gesellschaft in Forschung und Ausbildung zeichnet diese Ansätze aus. Ein in seiner disziplinären und thematischen Breite in Deutschlands Wasserforschung einmaliger Ansatz ist das NRW-Fortschrittskolleg FUTURE WATER.
Inter- and transdisciplinary doctoral training together with practice and society is a challenge, but also an opportunity. Within the FUTURE WATER program, 12 Ph.D. students gain experience with this rather new format unique to German water research. A broad range of disciplines and institutions as well as partners from water boards and companies enable the Ph.D. students to think beyond the confines of their own particular disciplines and gain many valuable insights into the water sector. The supervision teams, each consisting of at least two scientific advisors and a mentor from the practical side, as well as the group of highly motivated Ph.D. students, work closely together. The results after three years of FUTURE WATER demonstrate that this format creates many possibilities for research questions demanding interand transdisciplinary collaboration and complements well other ways of obtaining a Ph.D. The training program is suited to the needs of the Ph.D. students and with a notable travel budget they are able to create an invaluable network, often also resulting in tangible results like publications.
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