Heft 15: Prospective Migration Policy: Scenario Building on Relations Between West Africa and Europe
Böckenförde, Markus; Braune, Elisabeth
Global Dialogues
The ‘Global Dialogues’ series reflects the kind of intellectual and interdisciplinary exchange that lies at the core of the Centre’s activities. Targeted at a broad-ranging specialist readership, it spotlights particular topics from a variety of standpoints.
Die 'Global Dialogues' bilden den intellektuellen und interdisziplinären Austausch im Kontext des Kollegs und seiner Veranstaltungen ab. Sie beleuchten in der Regel Themen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und richten sich an ein breites Fachpublikum.
Inhaltalles ausklappen
Heft 14: Future Scenarios of Global Cooperation – Practices and Challenges
Dahlhaus, Nora; Weißkopf, Daniela
Heft 14: Future Scenarios of Global Cooperation – Practices and Challenges
Heft 13: A Multi-Disciplinary Mosaic: Reflections on Global Cooperation and Migration
Böckenförde, Markus; Krupke, Nadja; Michaelis, Philipp -
Heft 12: Political Storytelling: From Fact to Fiction
Gadinger, Frank; Kopf, Martina; Mert, Ayşem; Smith, Christopher -
Heft 11: Engaging Crimea and Beyond: Perspectives on Conflict, Cooperation and Civil Society Development
Carment, David; Nikolko, Milana Vladimirovna
Heft 13: A Multi-Disciplinary Mosaic: Reflections on Global Cooperation and Migration
Heft 9: Tafeln, teilen, trennen – Nahrung und Essen als Gaben
Leggewie, Claus -
Heft 8: Global Cooperation Through Cultural Diversity: Remaking Democracy?
Scholte, Jan Aart -
Heft 7: The Tunisian Constitutional Process: Main Actors and Key Issues
Rousselin, Mathieu; Smith, Christopher -
Heft 6: Global Cooperation in Transitional Justice: Challenges, Possibilities, and Limits
Gal-Or, Noemi; Schwelling, Birgit -
Heft 10: Ends of Critique
Bargués-Pedreny, Pol; Koddenbrock, Kai; Schmidt, Jessica; Schmidt, Mario
Heft 9: Tafeln, teilen, trennen – Nahrung und Essen als Gaben
Heft 5: Kooperation ohne Akteure?: Automatismen in der Globalisierung
Leggewie, Claus -
Heft 4: A Multi-disciplinary Mosaic: Reflections on International Security and Global Cooperation
Böckenförde, Markus -
Heft 3: Convivialist Manifesto: A Declaration of Interdependence
Clarke, Margaret
Heft 5: Kooperation ohne Akteure?: Automatismen in der Globalisierung
Heft 2: Relational Sensibility and the 'Turn to the Local': Prospects for the Future of Peacebuilding
Chadwick, Wren; Debiel, Tobias; Gadinger, Frank -
Heft 1: Provokation über Kreuz – Positionen zur Blasphemiedebatte
Leggewie, Claus; Siepmann, Marcel
Heft 2: Relational Sensibility and the 'Turn to the Local': Prospects for the Future of Peacebuilding

Global Dialogues
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