Die Demokratie in Griechenland zwischen Ende und Wiedergeburt
The Greek revolt of December 2008 marks the end of the political system established after the fall of the dictatorship in 1974. But the collapse of Greece’s economic base only began in the spring of 2010, when the government was forced to admit that the public debt was higher than previously claimed. The credit provided by the states of the Eurozone and the IMF was coupled with strict austerity measures that led Greece into a general economic, social and political crisis. On 25 May 2011, following a range of local strikes and revolts in 2010, people squatted central squares in cities all over Greece, following the example of Tunisia, Egypt and Spain. After six weeks of mass protest, the Greek prime minister was on the point of resigning, but remained in office due to the intervention of the French and German governments. Since then, the government’s political power has remained precarious, and a new mass mobilisation is to be expected.