Konstruktive Maßnahmen für die Adaption von Sensorsystemen an ausgewählten medizinischen Applikationstypologien
In more recent time electronic, electromechanical, bioelectric and optical technologies, which settle in device products of medical technology, have a crucial portion of medical successes. As extended senses of a physician modern sensors especially in diagnostic systems and also in therapy devices take up a key role. The present study treats the aspects, which are important with the use of sensors in medical applications in the core. In the center of attention are in particular the constructional aspect of the adaptation of medical measuring technique to the employment surrounding field at and in humans. Constructing on fundamental views of the different levels of the sensor adaptation regarding spacial accession, material employment, compatibility of procedures and methods, man-machine-sensor-interaction and law compliance a sensor application typology, which characterizes and differentiates between three main forms of operational areas, forms the structuring framework for an adaptation scheme shown by examples. One concrete problem field each of current own medical technology developments will be motivated regarding its medical topic and typical constructional function conversions and conversion variants will be pointed out and discussed.
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