No. 02: The Severe Health Shocks and Financial Well-Being
Majlesi, Kaveh; Molin, Elin; Roth, Paula -
No. 01: The Mental Health and Labor Market Effects of Anticipating Job Loss
Miele, Kai R.
CINCH working paper series
- disseminate research in health economics
- encourage discussion in the fields of economic policy and competition in the health care sector.
The series is targeted towards publishing ongoing high-quality research covering a wide range of topics within health economics, including theoretical, empirical and experimental contributions. Working papers should be full papers. The working paper series reflects the interests of CINCH such that econometric or experimental methods should form a significant component of the paper.
- Forschung in der Gesundheitsökonomie zu verbreiten.
- Diskussion in den Bereichen Wirtschaftspolitik und Wettbewerb im Gesundheitswesen zu fördern.
Die Reihe hat zum Ziel laufende qualitativ hochwertige Forschungsarbeiten zu einem breiten Themenspektrum der Gesundheitsökonomie zu veröffentlichen, einschließlich theoretischer, empirischer und experimenteller Beiträge. Arbeitspapiere sollten vollständige Aufsätze sein. Die Arbeitspapierreihe spiegelt die Interessen von CINCH wieder, sodass ökonometrische oder experimentelle Methoden einen wesentlichen Bestandteil des Papiers bilden sollten.
Contentshow all
Vol. 2024
Vol. 2023
No. 02: Education and Later-life Mortality: Evidence from a School Reform in Japan
Masuda, Kazuya; Shigeoka, Hitoshi -
No. 01: Technology, Skills, and Performance: The Case of Robots in Surgery
Tafti, Elena Ashtari
No. 02: Education and Later-life Mortality: Evidence from a School Reform in Japan
Vol. 2022
No. 04: Getting up to Speed: Informing Prior and Prospective Blood Donors about Supply Uncertainty and Hygiene Measures during the COVID‐19 Lockdown
Heynold, Anne Kathrin; Haylock, Michael; Ehmann, Stefanie -
No. 03: Are the Grandparents Alright?: The Health
Consequences of Grandparental Childcare Provision
Eibich, Peter; Zai, Xianhua -
No. 02: A Model of Errors in BMI Based on Self‐reported
and Measured Anthropometrics with Evidence
from Brazilian Data
Davillas, Apostolos; de Oliveira, Victor Hugo; Jones, Andrew M. -
No. 01: Disease Perception and Preventive Behavior: The Vaccination Response to Local Measles Outbreaks
Hofmann, Sarah
No. 04: Getting up to Speed: Informing Prior and Prospective Blood Donors about Supply Uncertainty and Hygiene Measures during the COVID‐19 Lockdown
Vol. 2021
No. 08: A Hard Look at “Soft” Cost‐control Measures in Healthcare Organizations: Evidence from Preferred Drug Policies in Germany
Avdic, Daniel; Blankart, Katharina -
No. 07: Gene‐Environment Effects on Female Fertility
Barban, Nicola; De Cao, Elisabetta; Francesconi, Marco -
No. 06: Maternal Age and Infant Health
Borra, Cristina; González, Libertad; Patiño, David -
No. 05: The Long‐term Effects of Hospital Deliveries
Fischer, Martin; Karlsson, Martin; Prodromidis, Nikolaos -
No. 04: School Health Programs: Education, Health and Welfare Dependency of Young Adults
Abrahamsen, Signe A.; Ginja, Rita; Riise, Julie -
No. 03: COVID Angels Fighting Daily Demons?
Mental Health of Healthcare Workers and Religion
Barili, Emilia; Bertoli, Paola; Grembi, Veronica; Rattini, Veronica -
No. 02: The Health Externalities of Downsizing
Ahammer, Alexander; Grübl, Dominik; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf -
No. 01: Providers, Peers and Patients: How do Physicians’ Practice Environments Affect Patient Outcomes?
Avdic, Daniel; Ivets, Maryna; Lagerqvist, Bo; Sriubaite, Ieva
No. 08: A Hard Look at “Soft” Cost‐control Measures in Healthcare Organizations: Evidence from Preferred Drug Policies in Germany
Vol. 2020
No. 04: New(spaper) Evidence of a Reduction in Suicide Mentions during the 19th‐century US Gold Rush
Kronenberg, Christoph -
No. 03: Subjective Expectations and Demands for
Miller, Grant; de Paula, Áureo; Valente, Christine -
No. 02: Parental Unemployment During the Great Recession and Childhood Adiposity
Briody, Jonathan -
No. 01: Long-Term Health Insurance: Theory Meets Evidence
Atal, Juan Pablo; Fang, Hanming; Karlsson, Martin; Ziebarth, Nicolas R.
No. 04: New(spaper) Evidence of a Reduction in Suicide Mentions during the 19th‐century US Gold Rush
Vol. 2019
No. 9: Ethnic Density and Health at Birth
Bertoli, Paola; Grembi, Veronica; Nguyen, The Linh Bao -
No. 8: Low Emission Zones for Better Health: Evidence from German Hospitals
Pestel, Nico; Wozny, Florian -
No. 7: Preventive Home Visits
Bannenberg, Norman; Førland, Oddvar; Iversen, Tor; Karlsson, Martin; Øien, Henning -
No. 6: Education and Health: Long-run Effects of Peers, Tracking and Years
Fischer, Martin; Gerdtham, Ulf-G.; Heckley, Gawain; Martin Karlsson; Kjellsson, Gustav; Nilsson, Therese -
No. 5: Pollution, Ability, and Gender-Specific Responses to Shocks
Molina, Teresa -
No. 4: Does the framing of patient cost-sharing incentives matter?: The effects of deductibles vs. no-claim refunds
Hayen, Arthur P.; Klein, Tobias J.; Salm, Martin -
No. 3: Physicians' altruism in incentives contracts: Medicare's quality race
Besstremjannaja, Galina; Golovan, Sergei -
No. 2: Exposure to Pollution and Infant Health: Evidence from Colombia
Mata, Dolores de la; Gaviria Garcés, Carlos Felipe -
No. 1: The Human Capital Cost of Radiation: Long-run Evidence from Exposure outside the Womb
Elsner, Benjamin; Wozny, Florian
No. 9: Ethnic Density and Health at Birth
Vol. 2018
No. 5: Early Life Exposure to Above Average Rainfall and Adult Mental Health
Pasha, Mochamad; Rockmore, Marc; Tan, Chih Ming -
No. 4: Quasi-experimental evidence on the effectiveness of heart attack treatment in Germany
Hentschker, Corinna; Wübker, Ansgar -
No. 3: Subjective and objective quality reporting and choice of hospital: Evidence from maternal care services in Germany
Avdic, Daniel; Büyükdurmus, Tugba; Moscelli, Giuseppe; Pilny, Adam; Sriubaite, Ieva -
No. 2: Utilisation of personal care services in Scotland: the influence of unpaid carers
Lemmon, Elizabeth -
No. 1: The Educational and Fertility Effects of Sibling Deaths
Thamarapani, Dhanushka; Rockmore, Marc; Friedman, Willa
No. 5: Early Life Exposure to Above Average Rainfall and Adult Mental Health
Vol. 2017
No. 8: The Long-term Consequences of the Global 1918 Influenza Pandemic: A Systematic Analysis of 117 IPUMS International Census Data Sets
Vollmer, Sebastian; Wójcik, Juditha -
No. 7: Learning Intensity Effects in Students’ Mental and Physical Health: Evidence from a Large Scale Natural Experiment in Germany
Sarah Hofmann; Mühlenweg, Andrea -
No. 6: The Effects of Collecting Income: Taxes on Social Security Benefits
Jones, John Bailey; Li, Yue -
No. 5: Fertility Effects of College Education: Evidence from the German Educational Expansion
Kamhöfer, Daniel A.; Westphal, Matthias -
No. 4: Mental Health, Human Capital and Labor Market Outcomes
Cronin, Christopher; Forsstrom, Matthew; Papageorge, Nicholas W. -
No. 3: The Effect of Working Hours on Health
Berniell, Inés; Bietenbeck, Jan -
No. 2: Does Postponing Minimum Retirement Age Improve Healthy Behaviors Before Retirement?: Evidence from Middle-Aged Italian Workers
Bertoni, Marco; Brunello, Giorgio; Mazzarella, Gianluca -
No. 1: Improving Estimation of Labor Market Disequilibrium through Inclusion of Shortage Indicators
Baird, Matthew; Daugherty, Lindsay; Krishna Kumar
No. 8: The Long-term Consequences of the Global 1918 Influenza Pandemic: A Systematic Analysis of 117 IPUMS International Census Data Sets
Vol. 2016
No. 6: Effects of Early Childhood Intervention on Fertility and Maternal Employment: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Sandner, Malte -
No. 5: Gatekeeping in German Primary Health Care: Impacts on Coordination of Care, Quality Indicators and Ambulatory Costs
Hofmann, Sarah M.; Mühlenweg, Andrea M. -
No. 4: Access to Education and Teenage Pregnancy
Koppensteiner, Martin Foureaux; Matheson, Jesse -
No. 3: US Child Safety Seat Laws: Are they Effective, and Who Complies?
Jones, Lauren E.; Ziebarth, Nicolas -
No. 2: The Impact of Abortion Legalization on Fertility and Maternal Mortality: New Evidence from Mexico
Clarke, Damian; Mühlrad, Hanna -
No. 1: Strategic Choices in Polygamous Households: Theory and Evidence from Senegal
Rossi, Pauline
No. 6: Effects of Early Childhood Intervention on Fertility and Maternal Employment: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Vol. 2015
No. 13: Birth Order and Health of Newborns: What Can We Learn from Danish Registry Data?
Brenøe, Anne Ardila; Molitor, Ramona -
No. 12: Heterogeneity in Marginal Non-monetary Returns to Higher Education
Kamhöfer, Daniel A.; Schmitz, Hendrik; Westphal, Matthias -
No. 11: Parental education and child health: Evidence from an education reform in China
Rawlings, Samantha B. -
No. 10: Fertility, Health and Education of UK Immigrants: The Role of English Language Skills
Aoki, Yu; Santiago, Lualhati -
No. 09: Higher education and fertility: Evidence from a natural experiment in Ethiopia
Tequame, Miron; Tirivayi, Nyasha -
No. 08: Losing Health Insurance When Young: Impacts on Usage of Medical Services and Health
Mata, Dolores de la; Gaviria, Carlos Felipe -
No. 07: Effect of forced displacement on health
Zilic, Ivan -
No. 06: Individual Investments in Education and Health
Carbone, Jared C.; Kverndokk, Snorre -
No. 05: The Impact of Education on Personality: Evidence from a German High School Reform
Dahmann, Sarah; Anger, Silke -
No. 04: How Does Education Improve Cognitive Skills?: Instructional Time versus Timing of Instruction
Dahmann, Sarah -
No. 03: A Theory of Education and Health
Galama, Titus J.; Van Kippersluis, Hans -
No. 02: Informal Care and the Great Recession
Costa-Font, Joan; Karlsson, Martin; Øien, Henning -
No. 01: A Matter of Life and Death? Hospital Distance and Quality of Care: Evidence from Emergency Hospital Closures and Myocardial Infarctions
Avdic, Daniel
No. 13: Birth Order and Health of Newborns: What Can We Learn from Danish Registry Data?
Vol. 2014
No. 05: Natural Disaster, Environmental Concerns, Well-Being and Policy Action: The Case of Fukushima
Goebel, Jan; Krekel, Christian; Tiefenbach, Tim; Ziebarth, Nicolas R. -
No. 04: Life Expectancy and Mother-Baby Interventions: Evidence from a Historical Trial
Bhalotra, Sonia R.; Karlsson, Martin; Nilsson, Therese -
No. 03: Sound Body, Sound Mind?: Asymmetric and Symmetric Fetal Growth Re-striction and Human Capital Development
Robinson, Joshua J. -
No. 02: Newborn Health and the Business Cycle: Is it Good to be born in Bad Times?
Aparicio, Ainhoa; González, Libertad -
No. 01: Parental Response to Early Human Capital Shocks: Evidence from the Chernobyl Accident
Halla, Martin; Zweimüller, Martina
No. 05: Natural Disaster, Environmental Concerns, Well-Being and Policy Action: The Case of Fukushima