Grenzüberschreitende Erzählungen : Anti-liberale Politik mit Emotionen
Dieser Artikel analysiert die wachsende Anziehungskraft des Rechtspopulismus. Er zeigt, wie Emotionen in rechtspopulistischen Narrativen strategisch kommuniziert werden. Die Ansprüche der Rechtspopulisten laufen auf die Etablierung alternativer Emotionsnormen hinaus, die antiliberale Gefühle und deren Ausdruck kollektivieren.
This article contributes to debates on the growing appeal of right-wing populism by showing how emotions are strategically communicated in right-wing populist narratives. It argues that right-wing populists’ claims extend to establishing alternative emotion norms that collectivize anti-liberal feelings and their expression. The emotional range covered by these norms transcends emotions usually associated with right-wing populism such as fear or humiliation. By employing seemingly inoffensive modes of presentation, emotion norms, such as exclusive forms of sympathy and humor, can be established. The findings of empirical work that we draw on in this article raises concern about the transnationalization of strategies by right-wing populists in Europe that not only include attempts to influence the thinking of potential voters but also their emotions. These affective strategies are not simply geared toward short-term effects but may also attempt to alter the emotional landscape by establising anti-liberal emotion norms.