Das Modul Graduiertenkolleg : Förderung und Entwicklung der Potentiale junger Wissenschaftler*innen

Der berufliche Erfolg hängt nicht allein von fachlichen Kompetenzen ab. Mindestens ebenso wichtig sind soziale Fertigkeiten wie die Fähigkeit zur Teamarbeit, zur Selbstorganisation und -motivation oder auch zur Knüpfung eines fruchtbaren beruflichen Netzwerks. Diese Fertigkeiten zu schulen ist unter anderem das Ziel von Graduiertenkollegs – wie der in diesem Artikel vorgestellten Graduiertenschule „Junior HoMMage“ des CRC/TRR 270.
The “Integrated Research Training Group” Junior HoMMage of the CRC/TRR 270 aims to provide the next generation of promising magnetism researchers with an outstanding scientific training and education so that they become international leading experts in the field of magnetism research. To achieve this, all members of the Research Training Group undergo a qualification programme based on three pillars consisting of a compulsory, an individual and a complementary part. While the compulsory pillar focuses on the scientific education of doctoral students as well as team building and networking within the CRC/TRR 270, the aim of the individual qualification pillar is to provide support and career development tailored to the specific needs of each PhD candidate. The training programme is rounded off by the supplementary pillar, which prepares young researchers for the challenges of the job market with workshops in soft skills and personality development.
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