Psychometric properties of the German revised version of the eHealth literacy scale in individuals with cardiac diseases : Validation and test of measurement invariance
Background: The internet is most people's primary source of (health) information. However, no validated instrument exists to assess eHealth literacy in the group of patient with cardiac diseases.
Objective: The objective of this study was the evaluation of the psychometric properties of the German revised version of the eHealth literacy scale (GR-eHEALS) in individuals with coronary artery disease (CAD) and congestive heart failure (CHF).
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. N = 455 were included in the statistical analyses. The assessment compromised the GR-eHEALS, medical history, sociodemographic data, and technology-related data. Confirmatory factor analyses, correlational analyses, and tests of measurement invariance were performed.
Results: The two-factorial model reached a good model fit. The sub-scales information seeking and information appraisal, as well as the eHealth literacy total score, reached high reliability coefficients. Construct and criterion validity was fully confirmed For the two-factorial model, measurement invariance up to the scalar level could be confirmed regarding the sociodemographic characteristics sex, age, and educational level.
Conclusions: This study confirmed the two-factor structure, construct, and criterion validity as well as measurement invariance at the scalar level for sex, age, and educational level of the GR-eHEALS scale in a sample of individuals with CAD and CHF.
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