Verbreitung der Elektromobilität : Treiber für die Diffusion der Elektromobilität in einkommensschwachen Haushalten

Soll eine flächendeckende Diffusion von Elektromobilität in Deutschland gelingen, müssen vor allem in unteren und mittleren Einkommensschichten Hemmnisse überwunden werden. Der Beitrag diskutiert, wie neue Geschäftsmodelle (Auto Abo, Battery Swapping, Mobility-as-a-Service etc.) helfen, auch in einkommensschwachen Haushalten Elektromobilität zu erfahren und welche Zukunftstrends dies unterstützen.
The diffusion of electromobility in Germany is essential in order to reduce CO2 and reach environmental goals. Barriers of diffusion and perceived risk are especially relevant for households with small and medium incomes, as they can afford to spend only 8–13% of their monthly income for the family’s mobility. As electric cars are more expensive and reliable used cars are not available, transformation towards environmental neural mobility is difficult. Therefore, we discuss different new distribution and business models to foster electromobility and overcome diffusion barriers. Distribution models like car subscriptions, new business models like battery swapping and mobility-as-a-service will help households with small and medium incomes to change towards electromobility and also offer ways to make the used car market for electric vehicles more attractive. While mobility-as-a-service and car subscription solutions enable a cheaper and more flexible way to get access to electric vehicles, battery-as-aservice facilitates the sales of used electric vehicles. Consequently, each of the solutions discussed tackles a different barrier for the diffusion of electromobility and thus effectively contributes to the uptake of electric vehicles in Germany for households with small and medium incomes. Additionally, the discussion of future trends illustrates that these models will persist and expand.
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