A sieve for finding prime numbers in a range

What is the next prime number? How to identify if an integer is prime or not? Suchquestions or the topic prime number in general, have always been a puzzle. Thestudy of prime number trace its route back to around 300 BC by the GreekMathematician Euclid. Since then, the analysis of prime numbers and its theoremshave known an increase in the field of number theory. Based on properties ofprimes, namely unique factorization, infinitude among others, several methodologieshave been derived to find the next prime number or to answer other questions.Those methods include abstract algebra, computational methods etc. . Even fordefining the properties, there are multiple theorems that have been discovered. Thecomputational method used in this thesis is a sieving method. The idea is to findprime numbers within a given range where only integers lying in this range are ofinterest. Apropos recognizing the next large prime number, performance andstorage have always been the subject of debate when it comes to implementation ofan algorithm. The procedure explained in this document is an attempt to improveboth performance and storage if it was to be implemented. For a betterperformance, this is achieved by parallelizing computation as the formulae areindependent from each other and concerning storage, variables are used to avoidcopying large data every time.


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