Rhein-Maas interdisziplinär : Das Institut für niederrheinische Kulturgeschichte und Regionalentwicklung
Der federführende Autor dieser UNIKATE-Ausgabe, Jörg Engelbrecht, berichtet über das InKuR, das Institut für niederrheinische Kulturgeschichte und Regionalentwicklung an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Vor zwölf Jahren an der damaligen Duisburger Mercator-Universität gegründet, ist das Institut zu einer festen Größen geworden, was die Erforschung der so genannten Rhein-Maas-Region betrifft.
The Institut für niederrheinische Kulturgeschichte und Regionalentwicklung (InKuR) (The Institute for Lower Rhine Cultural History and Regional Development) is devoted to researching the history of the Rhine- Maas-Region; comprising, roughly speaking, the Benelux-States plus North Rhine-Westphalia. It is made up of scholars and students from fields ranging from history and geography to literature and linguistics. Besides research and teaching, the InKuR is occupied with the transfer of scientific knowledge to the broader public, including teachers within the Rhine-Maas-Region. Furthermore, the InKuR advises archives, museums and historical societies in their research activities. As far as regional development is concerned, the InKuR is well aware of the fact that the Rhine-Maas- Region is in the process of becoming an economic and cultural entity once more; which it had been in the period stretching from the Middle Ages up to the beginning of the 19th century. The institute tries to support this process and at the same time works towards preparing students to cope with the challenges of finding work on both sides of the border.