Achtung, Elektroauto! : Elektromobilität, elektrische Sicherheit und Gefahrenabwehr

Die Sicherheit elektrisch betriebener Fahrzeuge ist ein wichtiger Aspekt im Rahmen ihrer Markteinführung. Besonders die Batterie und die Hochspannungskabel bergen hohe Gefahrenpotenziale. Holger Hirsch beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema der elektrischen Sicherheit von Elektrofahrzeugen und dem sicheren Umgang mit diesen Fahrzeugen durch Einsatz- und Rettungskräfte im Falle eines Unfalls. Er analysiert die gängigen Sicherheitsstandards und Zulassungsverordnungen und erarbeitet technische sowie organisatorische Konzepte zur Sicherheit der elektrischen Fahrzeuge.
The safety of electrically propelled vehicles is a sensitive issue, impacting on their full introduction to the market. All groups of people coming into contact with such vehicles, such as the fire brigade, workshop personnel and the driver must be protected against injuries caused by an electric shock and fault arcs. The propulsion battery and the High Volt wiring harness in particular represent new safety hazards in electric vehicles compared to commercial vehicles with combustion engines. The current standards and type approval regulations for the new types of electrically propelled vehicles are currently insufficient for vehicles licensed for public streets. Therefore, as requested in the current German standardisation roadmap, these standards must be adapt-ed to these new fields of application. In addition to the normative requirements, vehicle manufacturers have introduced several safety systems for the maintenance of electrical safety. The insulation resistance as well as the consistence of the whole electric propulsion circuit can be monitored by suitable measurement devices. Thus insulation faults, caused by an accident for example, can be detected reliably and a disconnection of the propulsion battery can be initialized. With regard to safety systems implemented in electric vehicles there is actually an urgent need for development. We are currently developing a test setup for experimental studies concerning safety systems which can be implemented in electric vehicles for improving electrical safety.
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