Auferstehung des Fleisches : Eine christliche Überzeugung der Antike im Ringen gegenwärtiger Menschen um das Verständnis ihres eigenen Lebens und Sterbens
Einer eher anthropologisch orientierten Reflexion des christlichen Selbstbildes vom körperlichen Tod (und Leben) geht Ralf Miggelbrink in seinem Beitrag nach.
The resurrection of the flesh is an eschatological idea which ancient theology used to argue against a Gnostic view of humans as purely intellectual beings. These days, it may gain a new importance for anthropology by rejecting a self-image of humans which is only formed by the idea of an intellectual and subjective dominance over the world. Although this idea of human dominance has also arisen from the bible, it is put into perspective by the attention which Christians pay to the realities of the body, its mortality and a fleshly concept of resurrection. Life is already deeply impacted by the experience of limits, as defined by the body. These experiences culminate in the reality of death. The confession to resurrection can keep the experience of death within the frame of being thinkable and thus extending relevance to the lives of people. The idea of the resurrection of the flesh thus keeps together intellectual and active life with the experiences of disempowerment and finally of death, without denying either.