Spracherwerb und Spracherhalt im Ruhrgebiet und Umgebung : Eine Bestandsaufnahme der hiesigen Forschung zur Mehrsprachigkeit
Dieser Beitrag stellt die wichtigsten linguistischen Studien zum mehrsprachigen Erwerb und Erhalt aus Ruhrgebiet und Umgebung der letzten 40 Jahre vor und arbeitet gleichzeitig die Bedingungen für eine erfolgreiche Mehrsprachigkeit heraus.
This paper gives an overview of
important studies and research works
in the Ruhr Area and surroundings
regions dealing with (plurilingual)
language acquisition and the maintenance
of heritage languages. Whereas
former studies mainly focused on the
acquisition of German as a second or
foreign language, nowadays research
also considers bilingual acquisition,
i.e. German and the minority language.
Nevertheless, the overview highlights
that (a) many existing language
pairs have not yet been analysed yet
(e.g. German-Turkish or German-
Polish), and (b) that institutions such
as kindergartens or schools still only focus on German and not on the
promotion of multilingualism. In
this overview, it becomes clear that
the University of Duisburg-Essen
played a decisive role in assessing the
interest on the study of plurilingual
language acquisition.