Mikroschadstoffe aus Abwasser entfernen : Wie messe ich den Erfolg?
Moderne Kläranlagen reinigen Abwasser effizient von leicht abbaubaren organischen Stoffen und Nährstoffen. Sie sind aber nicht für die Eliminierung von Mikroschadstoffen konzipiert, so dass viele dieser Stoffe im Abwasser kaum abgebaut werden und somit über die Vorflut in Oberflächengewässer gelangen. Dieser Artikel geht unter anderem der Frage nach, wie überhaupt Auswirkungen von Gemischen unzähliger Verbindungen im niedrigen Konzentrationsbereich auf Organismen messbar sind.
Surface waters can contain a diverse
range of organic pollutants, including
pesticides, pharmaceuticals and
industrial compounds. Effluents
from wastewater treatment plants
(WWTPs) are known to be point
sources of micropollutants for
surface waters and are currently
under scrutiny for retrofitting with
advanced treatment options including
ozonation. While bioassays have
been used for water quality monitoring,
there is still limited knowledge
regarding the specific contributions
of individual micropollutants to
overall observed effects. This is particularly
true for ozonation due to
the possible formation of transformation
and oxidation by-products.
To further investigate the use of
effect-based methods, a combination
of state-of-the-art chemical analysis,
in-vivo and in-vitro assays are established
at the University of Duisburg-
Essen and its affiliated institutes
IUTA and IWW. As an example, the
effectiveness of a full-scale ozone
treatment in combination with a fluidized
moving-bed reactor as biological
post-treatment for the reduction
of many micropollutants without the release of relevant toxic transformation
products has been assessed by
such a chemical and toxicity-based