Evaluating CAS and DGS at the maths classroom : a proposal for an unbiassed experimental study about the impact of the computational role of the students in their learning
There are didactic theories about teaching mathematics with Computer Algebra Systems (CAS), like the ‘White-Box/Black-Box Principle’ or the ‘Scaffolding Method’. There are also many experiences on implementing specific mathematical topics with the aid of CAS or Dynamic Geometry Systems (DGS) in the maths classroom and even of courses proposals using these technologies. Nevertheless, we know of no proposal of evaluation of the impact of the computational role of the students in their learning. We therefore propose a design for such an evaluation at Secondary Education with three scenarios. The three scenarios should use the same methods (in order the results to be unbiased): oral presentation, interrogative method and enquiry based learning. The three scenarios incorporate an increasing computational role of the students. We plan to implement it along the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020 at different high schools.
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