Angewandte Biomechanik für den Sport und die Industrie : Universitäre Forschung zur Produktoptimierung
Dieser Beitrag zeigt an Hand eigener Erfahrungen und Arbeiten in den Sport- und Bewegungswissenschaften auf, welche Anwendungsmöglichkeiten sich aus biomechanischer Forschung ergeben können. Oft gehen sie weit über den Sportbereich hinaus.
The value of biomechanical research
for industrial applications is presented
here. Based on his academic
and employment history the author
describes his research, patent experiences,
funding resources and the
interaction with industry for testing
and developing commercial products.
From his work in the field of biomechanics,
new capacitive and piezoelectric
pressure distribution measuring
systems were developed for sports
and technical application. Based on
the experiences as a physics student in
Frankfurt and his doctoral studies in
the USA, the author compares industrial
research funding approaches at
German and American universities.
The testing of sports equipment led
to several industry contacts for the
improvement of their products, also
providing valuable financial support
for fundamental research and
the employment of students. The
university’s Science Support Centre
was helpful in the management of
patent applications and license contracts,
generating valuable revenues
for the university and the biomechanics