Integration akquirierter Unternehmen in den neuen Bundesländern

The present study investigates the extent to which primarily human resource management (HRM) interventions and organizational activities(e.g. redistribution of decision making responsibilities) were used by West German companies after acquiring a target firm in East Germany. Further it explores correlations of HRM and organizational activities with performance measures of the acquired target. Drawing on a sample of 86 East-West Germany acquisitions formally completed between 1990 and 1993 the analysis found that transfers of managers from the acquiring to the acquired company and training programs for acquired East German managers were the most frequently used intervention to promote cooperation between managers of the transaction parties. Few significant correlations were detected between acquirers’ HRM and organizational integration actions and financial post-acquisition performance. However, early planning of integration, use of manager training programs and reallocation of decision making power from the acquired to the acquiring management team were significantly and positively related to several integration success criteria.

Die Dissertation erscheint parallel im Peter Lang Verlag, Frankurt a.M. u.a. in der Reihe: Europäische Hochschulschriften ; Reihe 5: Volks- und Betriebswirtschaft ; Band 2860. - ISBN 3-631-39123-4


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