AEET and the private archives of the Counts of Platen
As part of a cooperation between the family of the Counts of Platen Hallermund and the Edition und Editionstechnik (AEET) working group at the University of Duisburg-Essen, the holdings of the counts' private archives have been systematically digitised, transcribed and recorded in databases since 2009 in order to make them available for academic research and for the purposes of local history research.
An annual symposium is organised at which the results of research into the valuable holdings of the archive of the Counts of Platen are presented to a wider public.
The results of the AEET symposia in Hansühn are regularly published in conference proceedings in the "Schriftenreihe der Arbeitsstelle für Edition und Editionstechnik".
Further information can be found on the AEET homepage::