Several new models for the simulation of granular materials are investigated. The main part deals with the bottom-to-top restructuring model which was used for the analysis of the dynamic in rotating drums. New developments are a cellular automata, which is able to simulate the dissipation of kinetic energy in a realistic matter, and the continuousness-model, which reflects the influence of an intersitiell fluid on the flow of granular material through vertical pipes. Within rotating drums the origin of the radial segregation is cleared, a new effective mixing procedure is defined, and the phenomenon of self-organized criticality is investigated
Keywords: Granuare Materie, Sand, Computersimulation, Molekulardynamik, Zellulare Automaten, Rotierende Trommelmischer, Selbstorganisierte Kritizitaet, Rohrfluss mit interstitiellem Fluid, granular materials, computer-simulation, molecular dynamics, cellular automata, bottom to top restructuring, rotating drums, self-organized criticality, pipe flow with interstitial fluid