Rear Interface Engineering in Solution-Processed Submicron Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)₂ Solar Cells on Transparent Sn:In₂O₃ Back Contact
The parasitic absorption in Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 (CIGSSe) solar cells emerging from the Mo back contact can be significantly reduced by replacing it with tin-doped indium oxide (ITO). Commonly, an undesirable GaOx layer forms at the CIGSSe/ITO interface during the high-temperature fabrication process, which has a detrimental effect on photo-carrier extraction. Here, a Cu-In-TU-DMF (TU: thiourea, DMF: N, N-Dimethylformamide) intermediate layer for modification of the CIGSSe/ITO interface, which improves the efficiency of submicron CIGSSe solar cells significantly, is reported about. The reference submicron CIGSSe solar cells exhibit inferior performance (2.4% efficiency) and a large open circuit voltage deficit (Voc,def = 815.9 mV) due to a high barrier at the CIGSSe/ITO interface. At the modified rear interface, the recombination is reduced and hence carrier transport and collection are obviously improved. The efficiency of submicron CIGSSe solar cells on ITO with rear interface modification achieves 7.9% with an open circuit voltage of 565.8 mV, a short circuit current density of 23.4 mA cm−2, and a fill factor of 59.5%, as well as a Voc,def of 589.2 mV
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