Estimation of joint value in mobility as a service ecosystems under different orchestrator settings
Background: Ecosystems aim to create joint value that is higher than the sum of the value added of the single companies combined. However, for Mobility as a Service (MaaS) ecosystems, the economic potential is not yet proven. This concurs with the definition of MaaS ecosystems and the debate about who should be the orchestrator – a private or a public entity.
Purpose: This article therefore delivers a first approach to quantify the joint value of publicly and privately orchestrated MaaS ecosystems.
Methodology: The value estimationations are based on potential user preference analysis combined with market simulation and different volume discounts granted to a private orchestrator in the agency.
Findings: The results show that due to the high costs of all ecosystem actors in this asset-heavy industry, no profits are made in all constellations. The least value is destroyed when a private orchestrator receives 2% discount. Thus, added value must be created, for example through data analysis and advertising. Cities and governments must hence reallocate subsidies and support all MaaS actors to build a viable ecosystem.Preview
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