Central retinal artery occlusion as a first sign of atrial fibrillation : A 3-year retrospective single-center analysis
Background: Central retinal artery occlusion ((C)RAO) is known to be associated with stroke and/or atrial fibrillation (AF). Nevertheless, patients often present at the ophthalmologist initially and it is unknown how many of these receive an adequate cardiological/neurological work-up (CWU/NWU), including a 24 h-Holter-ECG.
Hypothesis: Hypothesis of this study was that patients with (C)RAO do not undergo CWU on regular basis and that new-onset AF is more often detected in patients with CWU.
Methods and results: We performed a retrospective analysis of n = 292 consecutive patients who presented at an ophthalmology department with the diagnosis of (C)RAO during a 3-year period. After excluding patients with known AF, meeting exclusion criteria, inability to comply with the protocol, missed land phoneline, or death during follow-up a total of 174 patients were enrolled; mean follow-up was 20 ± 12 months. The CHA2DS2-VASc score of the cohort was 5.3 ± 1.4. Our analysis revealed that only 50.6% of patients received a CWU including a single Holter-ECG after the index-event. In 12.6% cases new-onset AF was diagnosed, while the rate was higher in patients with CWU compared to patients without CWU (18.2 vs. 7.0%; p = 0.26). Evaluation of oral anticoagulation (OAC) therapy showed that only 66% of patients with AF were treated according to guidelines.
Conclusion: Only half of patients with (C)RAO underwent CWU. Despite minimal monitoring, rate of new diagnosed AF was high. Our results confirm that (C)RAO identifies a high-risk population for AF. These results illustrate the importance to implement standardized CWU in (C)RAO patients presenting at the ophthalmologist.
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