Simulative Study of an Innovative On-Demand Transport System Using a Realistic German Urban Scenario

Trams are a meaningful means of public transport in urban traffic. However, trams have some well-known disadvantages. These include, for example, possibly long distances to the stop, long waiting times, and lack of privacy, among others. The innovative mobility concept “FLAIT-Train” offers solutions to the problems mentioned. The FLAIT-train operates on ordinary roads and is intended to offer DOOR-2-DOOR transport. In the first application phase, the FLAIT-train runs on exclusive lanes but in the future can mix with other traffic. They are designed as vehicles with 2 seats and 1 m width. The vehicle technology of FLAIT-trains is similar/identical to battery-electric autonomous vehicles. This paper uses traffic simulations to investigate whether FLAIT trains are a suitable alternative to conventional trams, taking simulated/theoretical transport capacities in passenger-kilometers per day into account. Using the software SUMO (“Simulation of Urban Mobility”), a realistic traffic scenario is generated. In this scenario, the operation of the FLAIT-Trains and the trams are simulated under the same conditions and based on statistical data. Based on the simulation results, the performances of the FLAIT-Trains and the trams are compared.


Wang, Shen/Weber, Thomas/Schramm, Dieter (2022): Simulative Study of an Innovative On-Demand Transport System Using a Realistic German Urban Scenario. Online unter:
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