Hörbare Vehikel : Experimente zur Geräuschwahrnehmung von Elektroautos durch Handicap-Gruppen

An der Universität Duisburg-Essen hat man eine Studie zur Wahrnehmung von Elektromobilen durch blinde und sehbehinderte Personen durchgeführt. Dieser Beitrag stellt einige Ergebnisse vor. Weitere Forschungen über Assistenzsysteme zur Verkehrssicherheit stehen an.
This study analyzes people’s sound perceptions and sense of safety in traffic situations with electric cars and aims to discover the risk potential of electrified road traffic. The focus is on people with disabilities; especially blind and visually impaired individuals. Integrated into the study were three pairs of vehicles, each consisting of a BEV (battery electric vehicle) and one or two identical vehicles with ICE (internal combustion engine). The first part of this study covers acoustic measures of the vehicles, and research was conducted both at a dedicated vehicle measurement site and at the test location. Second part covers sound perceptions and safety estimations via experimental design and questionnaires. In the third part the results are discussed with blind and visually impaired people. The main finding is that there exist problems of perception for certain quiet electric vehicles, even for speeds of 30 to 40 km/h and different weather conditions, because those cars are too quiet to be heard by pedestrians. A solution could be a natural ICEsound or a kind of intelligent warning system.
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