Virtueller Propeller : Vergleich eines Propellermodells mit einem rotierenden Propeller in einer CFD-Simulation der viskosen Strömung um ein Schiff

Der Vergleich der Computational Fluid Dynamics-Simulationen mit Propeller und Propellermodell zeigt in Strömungsmodellen für Schiffe generell, dass das Propellermodell bei konstantem Tiefgang des Schiffs gut funktioniert. Die durch das Propellermodell eingesparte Rechenkapazität ist beachtlich. Daher ist für Rechnungen, die nicht auf den Propellerbereich abzielen, die Verwendung des Propellermodells zu empfehlen.
In CFD-calculations the use of several millions of control volumes is common practice in order to simulate the flow around a ship. Yet it is worthwhile to save computation effort and time in every simulation to spend it in specific areas where it is interesting to get more detailed information. The paper treats the comparison of several simulations of the viscous flow around a ship in full scale. Some simulations include a rotating propeller while others work with a mathematical propeller model. By applying the propeller model it was possible to reduce the number of elements, so that a considerable amount of computation effort was saved. A useful strategy is to spend computational capacity on the inclusion of the free surface around the ship rather than neglecting its deformation. Thus it is possible to include the wave resistance into the total ship resistance instead of just considering the friction and the viscous pressure. The resolution of the wave system in a simulation considering the propeller influence improves the results tending to get close to reality, moreover, it allows the investigation of interactions between the two areas.
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