Experimentieren im Netz : das Laboratorium für Online-Research (Lab.OR)

Um den wissenschaftlichen Standards der experimentalpsychologischen Methodenausbildung auch unter ungünstigen finanziellen Rahmenbedingungen weiterhin gerecht werden zu können, wurde die netzgestützte Lernumgebung „Laboratorium für Online-Research – Lab.OR“ entwickelt. In dieser Umgebung lassen sich Experimente, die früher in apparativ ausgestatteten Laborräumen der Universität durchgeführt wurden, nun mit Hilfe von Internettechnologie orts- und zeitunabhängig im Internet realisieren. Eine starke internationale Nachfrage bestätigt die Nützlichkeit dieser webbasierten Lernumgebung.
The teaching of experimental methodology is essential in sciences like chemistry and physics but also psychology. Traditionally and rather successfully, this is done in experimental laboratory classes. Due to fincancial and infrastructural problems of mass universities, it has become nearly impossible to keep up the standards of experimental psychology laboratory courses. To overcome these problems, the learning environment Laboratory for Online Research – Lab.OR was developed at the Department for Cognitive Psycholoy of the Institute for Cognition and Communication, University Duisburg-Essen. Using Lab.OR, students and instructors can plan, create, and conduct (internetbased) experiments, analyze the gathered data, and present and discuss their findings in an online environment without the need to learn a programming language – the Lab.OR includes an authoring system for webbased psychological experimenting. Experiences and evaluation studies show the success of the approach not only in teaching students the methods of experimental research both in the lab and on the internet but also in realising a laboratory course in a economic way. Universities in Europe and beyond are highly interested in adopting this approach.
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