Wenn Menschen mit Robotern zusammenleben : Zur Entstehung einer neuen Interaktionskultur

Nicht allein Globalisierung, sondern auch der Prozess der Robotisierung ändert unsere Gesellschaften. Empirische Studien belegen, dass aus wiederholten Kontakten von Mensch und Maschine neue Formen der hybriden Interaktion und Kooperation entstehen. Sie erfordern, so der Autor, neue Zugänge, wie wir Andersartigkeit verstehen und sie in unseren Alltag integrieren können.
Globalization has generated increased societal heterogeneity and awakened interest of a new kind in social cohesion and integration. But globalization is not the only contemporary process to give rise to societal hybridization. Two other such processes—much less attended to in the theoretical debate but no less problematic as regards social integration— are societal ageing and robotization. Drawing on statistical estimates, this paper begins by assessing the relevance of the second of these new processes of hybridization. The predictions in question indicate that in the near future, everyday interaction with ‘intelligent’ machines will be an omnipresent phenomenon, confronting our societies with types and degrees of alterity never before encountered. Whereas contact with cultural strangers is to some extent familiar (though not yet taken as standard), interaction with intelligent technological devices represents a new form of alterity for which most societies have not yet established routines of conduct. This paper gives a detailed account of a number of empirical studies showing how new forms of hybrid interaction and cooperation evolve out of repeated contact with this new alterity. With this groundwork in place, the paper then attempts to identify not only the ways in which routines may develop out of interaction with robots and virtual agents but also the trends towards, and prerequisites for, the emergence of a new culture of cooperation and interaction.
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Meyer, Christian (2015): Wenn Menschen mit Robotern zusammenleben: Zur Entstehung einer neuen Interaktionskultur. In: Globale Kooperationsforschung: Transdisziplinäre und transkulturelle Perspektiven. S. 34–44. Online unter: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:464-20190821-150806-7.
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