Die „Vererbung“ von Armutsrisiken : Ein neuer Weg in der Armutsforschung
Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit der familialen „Vererbung“ von Armut in Familien.
Es werden der Stand der Forschung sowie eine qualitative empirische Studie hierzu vorgestellt. Dabei werden zunächst Fragen des theoretischen Ansatzes und des methodischen Zugangs zum Phänomen der intergenerationellen Transmission von Armut diskutiert.
In research on the intergenerational
transmission of poverty, life paths
are often defined by what individuals
have learned in childhood. Little
research assumes the possibility of
permanent interaction processes,
which preserve experiences, but
also transform them, even in adulthood.
Accordingly, the focus of
poverty research is rarely directed
at intergenerational relations and
interactions. In this article, we refer
to preliminary empirical findings
from a study we are conducting to
argue how important and meaningful
such an intergenerational and
qualitative research perspective can
be. Biographical group discussions
with families, in which parents and
their adult children negotiate their
stories show that poverty is not an
early fixed and impenetrable heritage
as it is discussed by most poverty
researchers. The intergenerational
transmission of poverty is rather a
permanent negotiation by the family