Supercritical CO2 power cycle projects at GTI

Zugehörige Organisation
Gas Technology Institute (GTI) Woodland Hills, CA, USA
Macadam, Scott;
Zugehörige Organisation
Gas Technology Institute (GTI) Woodland Hills, CA, USA
Kutin, Michael;
Zugehörige Organisation
Gas Technology Institute (GTI) Woodland Hills, CA, USA
Follett, William W.;
Zugehörige Organisation
Gas Technology Institute (GTI) Woodland Hills, CA, USA
Subbaraman, Ganesan

GTI (Gas Technology Institute) is leading several sCO2 power cycle technology development projects. Three distinct projects are highlighted in this paper: (1) The 10 MWe Supercritical Transformational Electric Power (STEP) Pilot; (2) An indirectly heated coal/biomass-based Oxy-fired Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustor (Oxy-PFBC); and (3) A novel high pressure oxy-combustor for direct-fired sCO2 power cycles. All three projects have significant systems engineering, optimization, operations analysis, controls, and partnership/ collaboration requirements.

In the STEP Pilot Project, a team led by GTI, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), and General Electric Global Research, along with the University of Wisconsin and Natural Resources Canada, is executing a project to design, construct, commission, and operate an integrated and reconfigurable 10 MWe sCO2 Pilot Plant Test Facility located at SwRI’s San Antonio, Texas campus. This project is a significant step toward commercialization of sCO2 cycle based power generation and will inform the performance, operability, and scale-up to commercial power plants. The pilot plant design, procurement, fabrication, and construction are ongoing. By the end of this six-year project, the operability of the sCO2 power cycle will be demonstrated and documented starting with facility commissioning as a simple recuperated cycle configuration initially operating at a 500oC turbine inlet temperature and progressing to a recompression closed Brayton cycle technology (RCBC) configuration operating at 715oC.

In the indirectly-heated Oxy-PFBC system, sCO2 is heated via a set of hermetically-sealed heat exchangers embedded in a footerbubbling bed of solid fuel (coal and/or biomass) particles that are combusted in a mixture of oxygen and recycled CO2 at about 8 bar. The resulting compact combustor lowers the capital cost, enables higher plant efficiencies and reduces CO2 capture costs.

In the sCO2 oxy-combustor project, GTI is designing a novel high-pressure oxy-combustor for direct-fired sCO2 cycles. The design concept, which is derived from rocket engine injectors, has potential to offer performance improvements over more traditional gas turbine-derived combustors.

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