Political and security relations - Mapping strategies of Russia, USA and China towards Central Asia

Geography and history matter when it comes to the political and security relationship between Cen-tral Asian countries and the world powers – China, Russia and the United States. In terms of strategic partnership, there are certain national priorities among the Chinese, Russian and American political establishment when dealing with Central Asia. Whereas the Kremlin has managed to preserve its institutions and political influence in Central Asia, in particular in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajik-istan, the White House episodically addresses the region with its own Afghanistan-driven security agenda. Yet, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan remain the U.S. strategic allies in the region. Beijing is strengthening its political and security ties with Central Asian countries by providing all of them with Strategic Partner Status.</br> There is no single regional security organization covering all five Central Asian states. However, the world powers offer their agenda both bilaterally and multilaterally within CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization), SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) and PfP/NATO (Partnership for Peace). The United States are trying to preserve their C5+1 initiative that brings them together with all Central Asian countries. As for political dialogue, Russia remains the leader in quantitative terms (numbers of visits and meetings).
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