The Potential of Deeper Economic Integration between the Republic of Korea and the EU, Exemplified with Respect to E-Mobility

The paper deals with how to enhance economic integration between Korea and the EU, particularly in the field of electric mobility. Taking note of the Framework Agreement (FA), the free trade agreement (FTA) and the first two years of the agreement in action, potentials and challenges for further cooperation are discussed. The competitive strengths of Korean automobile makers and parts suppliers in Emobility serve as a basis to derive the European interest in closer cooperation, also considering how the EU and its members already act in the policy sphere of E-mobility. Three areas for an intensified cooperation are suggested: Carefully observing trade and FDI access, following up on the FTA agreement, standardization efforts as part of the multilateral efforts to reform the harmonization of regulation, and supporting cooperation among multi-level actors within the EU and Korea.
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Duisburg Working Papers on East Asian Studies


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