Highly imbalanced Fermion-Fermion mixtures in one dimension

In the framework of exactly solvable quantum many-body systems we study models of interacting spin one-half Fermions in one dimension. The first part deals with systems of spin one-half Fermions which interact via repulsive contact interaction. A reformulation of the Bethe-Ansatz solvable many-body wave function is presented. This simplifies considerably the calculations for the highly imbalanced case, where very few particles of one species (minority Fermions) are present. For the other particle species (majority Fermions) the thermodynamic limit is taken. We assume the majority Fermions to be in the ground state such that their non-interacting momentum distribution is a Fermi-sea. Upon this we consider excitations where the particles of the minority species may occupy an arbitrary state within the Fermi-sea. In the case of only a single minority Fermion, the many-body wave function can be expressed as a determinant. This allows us to derive exact thermodynamic expressions for several expectation values as well as for the density-density correlation function. Moreover it is possible to find closed expressions for the single particle Green's function. All of the above mentioned quantities show a non-trivial dependence on the minority particle's momentum. In particular the Green's function in the Tonks-Girardeau regime of hardcore interaction is shown to undergo a transition from the one of impenetrable Bosons to that of free Fermions as the extra particle's momentum varies from the core to the edge of the Fermi-sea. This transition becomes manifest in an algebraic asymptotic decay of the Green's function. If two minority Fermions are present, the many-body wave function turns out to be more complicated. Nevertheless it is possible to derive exact expressions for the two and the three particle density-density correlation functions. Furthermore we calculate the system's total energy and based on that, identify terms which have a natural interpretation as effective interaction energy for the two minority Fermions in the presence of the Fermi-sea. The second part is devoted to the study of one-dimensional systems consisting of two fermionic particle species with different masses. We show that for specific kinds of interaction potentials and for certain relations between the masses and the coupling constants, the particle creation and annihilation operators of such a system can be constructed exactly.


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