Learning from each other in North and South : Local Agenda 21 in Germany and the Republic of Korea

This report is based on an international workshop which took place at the Institute of Development and Peace (lNEF) in Duisburg/Germany in June 2000. A delegation of the Republic of Korea – including members of local communities and local governments, as well as NGO representatives – on a study trip to Germany – had been invited to exchange experiences and information about Local Agenda 21 processes in Germany and the Republic of Korea. The following papers reflect important issues which have been raised and discussed during the workshop. The first paper (Petra Stephan) presents an overall view of the latest developments in Local Agenda 21 processes in North and South in general and in Germany in particular. The relevance of local processes in the age of globalization are discussed. The paper emphasizes the importance of comprehensive, crossdepartmental national and international frameworks for sustainability. Even promising Local Agenda 21 processes will fail without such frameworks. Ulrich Nitschke presents in his paper five theses which point out critical issues in the German agenda work. These theses are enriched with practical examples which demonstrate the chances for change that exist on the local level. He argues that without Local Agenda 21 processes taking place worldwide the ideals or Rio wouldn’t have any chance to survive. But eight years after UNCED there is a need for redefinition and a need to integrate “One World aspects” into Local Agenda 21 processes.


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