Call Center und Electronic-Business als neues berufliches Tätigkeitsfeld? Analysen zur Beschäftigungsentwicklung, zum Arbeitsmarkt und zur beruflichen Qualifizierung am Beispiel der Region Duisburg
This thesis looks into the development as well as changes of functions, activities and required qualifications in Call Centern as a segment of modern service economy.
With the help of an analytical frame is the range of variation represented and the company changes of Call Center in six selected economic sectors caught.
Modern services – often named as E-Business – form the overall framework, which comprises Call Center-concepts as part of new service conzepts. In this one can realize a connection with market environments and new services. More over it shows the possible causes of strategy in E-Business as well as the directions of development. Using the example of the region Duisburg this thesis shows the forms and shares of new occupation that will continue to exist in the processes of convergence from Call Center to E-Business.
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