Meininger, Mark

Faseroptische Multi-Fabry-Perot-Sensoren in Schichtbauweise


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polymer, resonator, polymer disperged liquid crystals, fiber, optic

Sachgruppe der DNB
37 Elektrotechnik

Doctoral Dissertation accepted by: University of Duisburg , Department of electrical engineering, 2001-07-10


This work deals with fiber-optic sensors for measuring pressure und temperature by using the fabry-perot-effect. The realised sensors are made of polymer thin-films with special reflection-coatings. The special kind of sensor takes part in the group of senors in reflection mode – transmission mode is possible.

Betreuer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Edmund Gerhard
Gutachter Prof. Dr.-Ing. Edmund Gerhard
Gutachter Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Franz Josef Tegude

Upload: 2001-08-10
URL of Theses:

University of Duisburg , Library
Lotharstr.65 , 47048 Duisburg, Germany