Bushnaq, Jessica

Beschreibung euklidischer Räume mit Hilfe von Abstandsrelativen

Titel in Englisch A description of Euclidean spaces with distance relatives


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Schlüsselwörter in Englisch:
relation algebra, affine relativ, relational grouping, Euclidean spaces, distance relativ

Sachgruppe der DNB
27 Mathematik

Doctoral Dissertation accepted by: University of Duisburg , Department of Mathematics/Computer Science, 1998-11-16

Abstrakt in Englisch

This paper describes a way to define Euclidean spaces with the help of relations. Directions and distances of the geometrie are regarded as relational groupings. Theorems about parallelograms and parrallelograms of distances are added as axioms. The axiomatic is then a description of an Euclidean geometrie.

Betreuer Arnold, Hans Joachim;Prof. Dr.
Gutachter Arnold, Hans Joachim;Prof. Dr.
Gutachter Wefelscheid, Heinrich;Prof. Dr.

Upload: 1999-03-02
URL of Theses: http://duepublico.uni-duisburg-essen.de/servlets/DerivateServlet/Derivate-5063/inhalt.htm

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