Junker, Friedhelm

Materialforschung an porösen Festkörpern mittels Xenon-Diffusionsmessungen

eine 129Xe-PFG-NMR-Studie

Material research in porous solids via xenon diffusion measurements
a 129 Xe PFG NMR study


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NMR, Pulsed Field Gradient, Xenon, diffusion measurements, material research, polymers, porous solids

Sachgruppe der DNB
30 Chemie

Doctoral Dissertation accepted by: University of Duisburg , Department of Chemistry, 2000-02-15


This thesis describes the measurement of xenon diffusion coefficients in porous media via Pulsed Field Gradient (PFG) NMR spectroscopy. The thesis includes the characterization of a phase seperated polymer blend (PP/EPDM) in comparison to the pure components, the characterization of a number of commercially available semi-crystalline polymers and the characterization of a new microporous solid catalyst (silconimidonitride) with three different pore sizes by the diffusional behaviour of xenon in these materials. In addition to that a new theory is described which correlates the chemical shift of 129Xe NMR adsorption resonances with the corresponding xenon diffusion coefficients.

Betreuer Veeman, Wibren S.; Prof. Dr.
Gutachter Veeman, Wibren S.; Prof. Dr.
Gutachter Borchard, Werner; Prof. Dr.

Upload: 2000-02-28
URL of Theses: http://duepublico.uni-duisburg-essen.de/servlets/DerivateServlet/Derivate-5009/inhalt.htm

University of Duisburg , Library
Lotharstr.65 , 47048 Duisburg, Germany