PT Unknown
AU Schönau, L
   Teiser, J
   Wurm, G
TI Zero-g wind tunnel experiments on planetesimal erosion
PD 08
PY 2024
DI 10.1093/mnras/stae1877
LA en
DE planets and satellites: dynamical evolution and stability; planets and satellites: formation; planets and satellites: physical evolution; planet–disc interactions; protoplanetary discs
AB Wind erosion thresholds for planetesimals in protoplanetary discs depend on particle size, cohesion, ambient gas pressure, and gravity. In the experiments reported here, we used a low pressure shear wind tunnel for the first time under real zero gravity. That is, we carried out the experiments in the drop tower in Bremen at 10-5g ⁠. In concert with earlier work, we confirm the applicability of a single semi-empirical equation to describe the threshold shear stress for wind erosion. It can be applied to calculations of unstable orbits of planetesimals and the dissolution of planetesimals passing through evolving planetary atmospheres.