Iterations for active sampling in inelastic neutron scattering
We combine Linear Spin Wave Theory with active-learning sampling, resulting in a Kalman Filter enhanced Adversarial Bayesian Optimization (KFABO) algorithm. This algorithm approximates the magnon spectrum using a minimal number of sampling points and iterations. Despite the limited iterations, the algorithm effectively addresses noisy neutron scattering data, providing reliable magnetic interactions that replicate the experimental spectra for 2D CrSBr. It can also reveal hidden or weak interactions, such as those induced by spin-orbit coupling.
The attached files illustrate the sampling process during different iteration scenarios. "Theoretical_SPINW_woDMI.gif" shows the iterations for the case including only Heisenberg exchange (J) interactions. "Theoretical_SPINW_wDMI.gif" displays iterations for the case including both Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI) and Heisenberg exchange interactions. Finally, "Experimental_SPINW_wDMI.gif" represents the iterations during the fitting of the experimental spin wave data.