000K utf8 1100 2021$c2021-05-01 1500 eng 2050 urn:nbn:de:hbz:465-20230814-164305-6 2051 10.1063/PT.3.4757 3000 Lorke, Axel 4000 Boiling eggs, radiation damage, and the Arrhenius plot [Lorke, Axel] 4209 In 1899 a Swedish chemist created a method to analyze the effect of temperature on the rates of chemical reactions. 4950 https://doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.4757$xR$3Volltext$534 4950 https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:hbz:465-20230814-164305-6$xR$3Volltext$534 4961 https://duepublico2.uni-due.de/receive/duepublico_mods_00078868 5051 530 5051 540 5550 Arrhenius plot 5550 Electronic band structure 5550 Excitation energies 5550 Living organism 5550 Microorganisms 5550 Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics 5550 Proteins 5550 Radiation damage