  author = 	{Lorke, Axel},
  title = 	{Boiling eggs, radiation damage, and the Arrhenius plot},
  year = 	{2021},
  month = 	{May},
  day = 	{01},
  keywords = 	{Excitation energies; Electronic band structure; Radiation damage; Arrhenius plot; Living organism; Microorganisms; Proteins; Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics},
  abstract = 	{In 1899 a Swedish chemist created a method to analyze the effect of temperature on the rates of chemical reactions.},
  note = 	{<p>This article appeared in: Axel Lorke; Boiling eggs, radiation damage, and the Arrhenius plot. <em><em>Physics Today</em></em>; 2021;74 (5): 66--67. and may be found at <a href="https://doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.4757">https://doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.4757</a></p>

<p>1 May 2021</p>},
  note = 	{This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing.},
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<p>You may deposit the VOR 12 months after publication, with the credit line and a link to the VOR on AIP Publishing's site</p>

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  doi = 	{10.1063/PT.3.4757},
  url = 	{https://duepublico2.uni-due.de/receive/duepublico_mods_00078868},
  url = 	{https://doi.org/10.1063/PT.3.4757},
  file = 	{:https://duepublico2.uni-due.de/servlets/MCRFileNodeServlet/duepublico_derivate_00078444/Lorke_2021_Boiling_eggs.pdf:PDF},
  language = 	{en}